why do u have to be such an asshole... why cant u vote between ccs rather than voting who is not clear mafia... had u been mafia it had been amazing.. but u were blue... just dont wanna play with u again
In the future, i'll try to be less nervous when i see you're in my game ^_^ thanks for being understanding.
deletedabout 13 years
Moxie i'm really sorry i fucked up that game. i should have ignored my intial thought of a incomp/moxie team, and thought you a better player to be so obvious as mafia. Pranay just left me confused i guess. And usually when i get into games with people who are really good i just fall into a submissive state where i just let them be in control. Actually thursday shouldn't have been lynched if i was clearing pranay on the basis that he fos'd the stalker. I should have lynched pranay like d2 and please don't think too bad of me.