You don't know me, but I'm here to disagree with Retti and say that sometimes video games are more than a hobby. After all, don't people make them?? Don't they get paid?? What's it called when you get paid to do something??
I use both Windows and Mac. I want to dl Ubuntu, but my harddrive on my old laptop brings up some weird errors when I try to partition it.
deletedover 13 years
Wow. Jailer can kill people now? That kind of makes it OP: Can save people, can prevent night actions, and can kill people all at once.
deletedover 13 years
noooo waaaaay. Ive seen mafia when many times.
deletedover 13 years
Your avvie is so cute :3 Also I was using Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 in order to finish my reports over the weekend. The OS wasn't as big an issue as the different versions of Word / Powerpoint I was cycling through as I moved from computer to computer. Holy God. I really miss the practicality of the older versions of the software.
deletedover 13 years
I can't fathom how you could have taken that seriously.
deletedover 13 years
Tsuzuki 19 hours 45 minutes you sure are intelligent. HAHAHA BURRRNED YOU STUPID BITCH