You don't know me, but I'm here to disagree with Retti and say that sometimes video games are more than a hobby. After all, don't people make them?? Don't they get paid?? What's it called when you get paid to do something??
Painfully watching you using your last 2 hearts was more intense than actually playing my 5 hearts today. Tomorrow is gonna be an intense day, good luck, brodude.
At the moment you are like guaranteed second, kick some ass and you can get GOOOOOOOOLD
deletedover 13 years
Remodified your karma.
deletedover 13 years
Lol she really does xD. Well, I have classes and problem sets to work on during the day time. By the time I usually finish my work, it's well into the night lol.
deletedover 13 years
mfw i'm at -9 now
deletedover 13 years
When the song, "It's Friday" becomes more sado-demonic in your head rather than nihilistic-humor, you know you have an exam around the corner.
deletedover 13 years
I kind of want to think about silver setups before I play them and do some speccing (but I'm too half assed so I avoid silver altogether). I will definitely start playing at the beginning of the new round.