YA :D he is my most favorite anime character evaaaa. XD he is like perfect <3__<3 I just got to episode 30 today (it's been over two months since I started cause I'm slow at watching stuff -_- I kept up with FMA though >:#) And lol woww. one of my high school buddies was obsessed with One Piece -_- I never gave it a chance though cause it's so long XD it reminds me of naruto/bleach which are ridiculously long. PERHAPS I WILL READ FOR ONCE. And is Liar Game the one where like some girl is chosen to play a game and she gets a shitload of money and she is actually stupid/naive/useless and some really kickass smart guy has to help her? Cause that's what happened in an asian drama called that. XD choose one for me to read plz cause it'll prob take me forever >:[
loll I don't watch that much anime either >:D I LOVE FMA/FMA BRO THOUGH. AND OMGGGGGGGG. FMA IS THE ONLY MANGA I HAVE READ AND WILL EVER READ (lazycough) and wow the manga >>>>> anime. It was a lot funnier than the anime even though I love the anime and I love FMA IN GENERAL also have you seen GTO because that is the first anime I've watched since FMA BRO and it rox. +KARMA FRD4LYF