
part of  family

Peta: The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee

Peta: I don't play yahtzee




deletedabout 10 years
is your name pronounced nibbitnibbitfive
if you want though i think it sounds a bit awkward
about 10 years
it was me
anonymousabout 10 years
i'm not a stranger i was just too embarassed to say it to you directly :3
im turning off anon.
anonymousabout 10 years
thnx for being u
you're welcome anoymous stranger
anonymousabout 10 years
that didn't answer my question. is your name pronounced nibbit nibbit five?
who the hell are u??


4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
over 11 years
ur gon wake up ded m8. just u wait.
over 11 years
deletedover 11 years
why not
deletedover 11 years
you fuck off
over 11 years
sorry dear, too busy
deletedover 11 years
So does you're face.
over 11 years
maybe ill take a photo
deletedover 11 years
I sit in my room late at night in front of my laptop. Slowly toughing my fem body as I look at videos of girly boys getting fucked hard, brutally in fact. I wore nothing but a pair of white boy shorts that was a thong from my balls to the top of my fat cheeks butt crack, black thigh highs, and a black turle neck. As I watched i softly moaned, rubbing my hole. It feeling wet.
over 11 years
i got a stars pillow case, poster and tshirt :3
over 11 years
what are your thoughts on the late dr. kevorkian?
over 11 years
now divorce peter and marry me
over 11 years
over 11 years
hai nibs guess what
deletedover 11 years
"af" "ratchet" "basic bitch" nbt what is going on
over 11 years
Don't make me feel uncomfortable about my identity
deletedover 11 years
!!! ;) !!!
deletedover 11 years
Old Boy was a good movie!
deletedover 11 years
like hyeyeon? :D
over 11 years
Peter, I know I have backed off a bit.. but I am still here.. waiting for you. And you will want me too. I know it will happen soon. ♥