
part of  family

What happens when Kennedy tries to guise me.... Stranger: WHO'S THAT POKEMON? Kennedy: Its Kennedy: Charizard :(

10k Points 8/8/2010 300 wins 9/28/2010 20k Points 10/25/2010 100 karma 11/13/2010 400 wins 11/15/2010 <3 Lynch lynch lynch Almost got toasted...

about 14 years
zzz I never +k'ed you zzz
about 14 years
Also, zzzzzzz.
about 14 years
I don't remember that, or was that a fail hammer on my part? Be more clear in your descriptions!
about 14 years
I haven't friended or plussed you yet? WTF?
deletedabout 14 years
+k for being COOL! XD
deletedabout 14 years
+2k for you. karma whoring, return the favor :-D
about 14 years
Ohai! +K'ing for epic whoring.
about 14 years
about 14 years
about 14 years
ftw! =D
about 14 years
+k for very good play and calling out voting situation
about 14 years
+2k for you. <3
about 14 years
+k back lol
about 14 years
+k for not falling into my trap :(
about 14 years
Your avatar uglier, wtf is that charizard shit
about 14 years
K+ That was epic right >.<
about 14 years
k+ 4 being a animal
about 14 years
Raticate stomps furret O_o
about 14 years
+k +k +k
about 14 years
Have you shitty +k. Damn Furrets. Almost as useless as Raticate.