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I just hit 2500 points. I have my comp ticket. I can give and take karma. I have done everything I need to do on EM. Now I can sit back host vivors, TARs BBs and Glass Houses, and relax in Sandbox forever. I will go for the gold in Round 65. Wish me luck!
7/1 - I am in 5th place of Round 65.
7/2 - not on board.
7/3 - still not on board
7/4 - STILL not on board
7/5 - 16th
7/6 - 11th
Best games: 1181921
I am a brony. If you don't like it, guess what? Idgaf. /]
Here is a link to some EXCLUSIVE nude pics of Scarlett Johansen ----> http://tinyurl.com/2g9mqh
Great Pony pics:
I think that's enough pony pics. If I U-Turn you in TAR or something like that, please know it's all in good fun and I LOVE fun!
If you neg or plus me, please post in the comments why, so i can quit doing something wrong or strive to do more of something good. Silent negs and plusses are NOT cool.
Brony Song: http://tinyurl.com/c29uawf
Glass House rules: At the beginning of the game, the players are divided into two teams. One is selected as the captain for each team each day by random.org. Then we play a challenge. The losing team's captain is put in limbo, and the losing team must also pick one person from their team to be put in limbo. The entire house must vote on who must be evicted. The person with the most votes is voted off. This is continued until the host decides to merge the teams. Then, they play a challenge. The loser is put into limbo along with one other person selected by the house. When it comes to the final two, the host can either play WIFOM or have a jury. The winner of WIFOM or the jury vote wins the game.
Guisetest me on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV Series. Or ask me the first 20 digits of pi. If I don't respond in 30 seconds, I am guised. Also, ask what I had for lunch. If I do not reply: Gwilled chweese and a hawt puppy, I am guised.
SuperSonic35's TAR
Season 1 Winner-JimClassico
3rd Place-mikespike777
SuperSonic35's Survivor
Season 1 Winner-JeanMarc
3rd Place-Hyperro2
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is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?
is qthere a porbelm?