
Willamette Mall

I've Covered Wars you know. It's Frank. Frank West. I'm the type of guy who would fuck your mom,sister,cousin,aunt or daughter and expect a paycheck in the mail.

Frank. Effin. West. Frank West can jump off a building at any height and deliver a sweet knee drop which damages everyone around him, and can still get up and continue to cause destruction. Frank West can cut off a zombie's head with a karate chop. Frank West can punch you in the stomach and pull out your innards with a helmet and then take a picture of it. FRANK. WEST.

Frank West is Rude, Vulgar, and Mean but Frank West is awesome anyways. Things i do "Shut your whore mouth" "Frank West is .... because Frank West" "Ive covered wars you know"

FrankWest is missing! zarrel40: find him

Zoxdox: Have you taken pictures of WAR?! FrankWest: YEAH. I've covered them. Zoxdox: Pro. Frank MOTHERFUCKING West doesn't need to get laid he looks at girls and they cream themselves Lloyien:Impressive.

deletedabout 14 years
havent spoken to you in a while!
about 14 years
+k because gir's retarded <3
about 14 years
+K thankies :D
about 14 years
lol i didn't know for sure i would be wrong, i was just sure of my suckitude. i went for the one i really thought it was. i don't throw rankeds.
about 14 years
FK in my Coffee!
deletedabout 14 years
Then tell them they need permission! Take control ;) For a man that's covered wars i'm sure it's possible, <3 And i can't believe you wouldn't save me!
about 14 years
dude, you were really protown and i had nothing to go on other than my gut. you dropped scumtells all over the place. i'm sorry that i lynched wrong but don't tell me "its cool" and "people make mistakes" then tell everyone what a fail i am in other games.
deletedabout 14 years
Lmao! In a game Dom took my food away and locked me in the basement :( Save me my love D;
deletedabout 14 years
What'd i say that offended you :( I don't want to have my husband be an enemy to me D;
deletedabout 14 years
Again? Didn't we just have 4 kids in the last four days!! What are we naming this one @_@;
deletedabout 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
-.-; I didn't steal anyone avi!
deletedabout 14 years
I heard trojan ecstasy covered wars well ;) WE WILL FIGHT AIDS EVEN THOUGH I DONT HAVE AIDS D; Unless you have aids! that means..our kids have aids @_@; What are we going to do honey?!
about 14 years
Any friend of Ergasmi....
about 14 years
+k for FrankWest.
deletedabout 14 years
Aw, You can come back to our bed and we can cover wars there. You have covered wars before i've heard. They'll just have to comment you first asking permission to comment me, does that work for you? and Apathy is just bitter he doesn't have what we have obviously -flips hair- We win together no matter what...deep down inside :)
deletedover 14 years
And those childrens names are awesome, theyre going to be stars due to our huge parenting powers
deletedover 14 years
SOMEONES sleeping on the couch if they dont stop these typos <3
deletedover 14 years
Ah yes babe you have covered wars, but i still want to choose...some things for our wedding too!! I can't believe we're getting married twice @_@; thatd def how deep our love is
deletedover 14 years
& I have already added +k to you <3 :)