
Willamette Mall

I've Covered Wars you know. It's Frank. Frank West. I'm the type of guy who would fuck your mom,sister,cousin,aunt or daughter and expect a paycheck in the mail.

Frank. Effin. West. Frank West can jump off a building at any height and deliver a sweet knee drop which damages everyone around him, and can still get up and continue to cause destruction. Frank West can cut off a zombie's head with a karate chop. Frank West can punch you in the stomach and pull out your innards with a helmet and then take a picture of it. FRANK. WEST.

Frank West is Rude, Vulgar, and Mean but Frank West is awesome anyways. Things i do "Shut your whore mouth" "Frank West is .... because Frank West" "Ive covered wars you know"

FrankWest is missing! zarrel40: find him

Zoxdox: Have you taken pictures of WAR?! FrankWest: YEAH. I've covered them. Zoxdox: Pro. Frank MOTHERFUCKING West doesn't need to get laid he looks at girls and they cream themselves Lloyien:Impressive.

over 14 years
over 14 years
You know, I've covered wars