
part of 
621wins673losses24left zwink calling me fucktard very rude. harrassment and ogi

  1. this is the first game we have played today. Right away Zwink starts light harrasssment for no apparent reason in pregame "hostkill will grudge me in all ways possible" after that it starts to escalate.

  2. Second game

  3. Third game

I cannot make comments because it says my karma is too low for commenting so I make comment here thanks for reading.

Zwink write: "This is a prior problem I had with hostkill, here is proof you can see the date goes back five days ago, hes been doing this ever since then."

In the previous game that Zwink is citing, I was cop with guilty on Zwink and I was upset with hellacash for sheeping Zwink blindly that really had nothing to do with Zwink, that was a problem between me and hellacash. You can talk to hellacash about that game.

Zwink write: "Ahh, he changed what he had about me on his profile. He was calling me names on it, but changed it cause i reported him lol!"

This is a flatout lie. If i was calling him names then surely he has screenshots of it? Please produce such evidence. I don't understand why Zwink is saying this since I have never called him names at all. And the changes are just updates because I can't make any comments elsewhere on this website because of the karma thing but I can make comments on my page.

over 7 years
-karma Host killing garbage. Their name does not lie. They don't even do it out of strat. They just keep joining the same host game and host killing to be an .
about 10 years