And I don't plan on letting it happen (again, if applicable).
deletedover 12 years
If I did that, it was unintentional.
deletedover 12 years
EM won't fall if I have something to do with it.
deletedover 12 years
rip your bio hello a more accurate one
deletedover 12 years
Hi, I’ve spoken to the mods. They want me to make it crystal clear to you that this is your final warning to stop harassing me and my friends. We have been cleared of cheating two separate times. We are tired of being subjected to having our names dragged through the mud by the same, redundant threads. If you continue to perpetuate these false rumors, you will be reported for harassment.
deletedover 12 years
"Riddler didnt die must be maf" is RVS, please stop saying I'm bad at this game when I'm one of the best players here
you know, you and i have had your differences, but i just want to say that i think you'd be a much better person and people would like you better if you stopped being such a sperglord and got hit by a fucking car
I'm going to be away for a week starting tomorrow. When I get back I would like to sit down with you and have a real conversation. Hope you'll be willing to do the same. Good luck, Riddler.
deletedalmost 13 years
Didn't Fancy outed himself? Don't be mad you requested a nl, and you kill an inno blue. But go ahead and take it out on me, since you're incapable of blaming yourself.
deletedalmost 13 years
Don't be mad at me when you had a guilty and could have lynch Fancy and didn't. Your mistake.
deletedalmost 13 years
Thanks yesterday for actually reading what I wrote in the Discrimination thread-everyone else skipped over everything except my first sentence and missed the point entirely while Masta first dodged the questions in the thread and then via PM.
deletedalmost 13 years
I better get a dedication in your trophy win for those games