
in love with 
part of  family




anonymousabout 8 years
needs more lube
Lube is for losers, spit is the only acceptable aid
anonymousabout 8 years
good to know ;)
I also like to know about the condition of the rectal walls of the people I speak with
anonymousabout 8 years
how does it feel to be a homosexual?
Like a slight burn..in my rectum
anonymousabout 8 years
I'm the most important tho
Wrong, I am the most important at all times
about 8 years
now that ur attention is on me i feel shy u_u
Just the way it should be, my young #1 fan

Created Setups

about 14 years
Lol..more like it wasn't but it'd be nice to say that it was..yeah I've def noticed, it's almost scary whereas I'm maf like half the time..the odds aren't exactly fair..Lucid complain box: Rada isn't maf enuff...uhh how long have u been playing minesweeper lol n yeah caught...trapped..all in all one in the same n this is sad, even the message box is lagging =0
about 14 years
this is so not original that someone already did it :3
about 14 years
I keeel you more. And now I laugh MUAHAHAHA!(:
about 14 years
Yes I'm lucid :3 YOU ARE BANNED. Jk it's against the law to impersonate lucid
deletedabout 14 years
+k! please return
about 14 years
lol..what is time anyway? If I wasn't so caught up in this life, then maybe I wouldn't care for the days, so it would all be the same to me. Also, maybe the world is playing a trick on you maybe it is wrong for you to die n1/d1, but you think it is alright because it's a common occurrence, so now you just come to accept it. Also, if you weren't mafia so often *cough* *cough*, then maybe you wouldn't die so frequently on d1.
about 14 years
lmaaaao same!
I was like.... oh.... okay...... :|
about 14 years
it's kl, n yeah sorry bout that, but Happy New Year 2 u 2 n this is like a day late lol, but it's still a new year, so yea :)
Yay, it's already 2011...
about 14 years
Rada, I keeel you night one, every night.
about 14 years
Nice Avatar
deletedabout 14 years
erm why would i want YOU naked? >_>
about 14 years
accept my god damn family request.
deletedabout 14 years
ima orc u :)
about 14 years
lol yeah sure...we'll c when he comes :)
about 14 years
I'd lol if he's reading our conversation n is thinking, "I'll show u who isn't smart and who is.."
about 14 years
Happy holidays <3<3
about 14 years
lollllllll rada, "wellllll , i was talking to someone , and i guess this person is neighbors with one of my friends ... hahaha how wierd ohhh welll (: hmu .." .. that's his freaking status, FML
about 14 years
Actually apologizing to you and a few others in that game directly. 1 - I didn't realize it was the 9 person setup and not the Lights out one... 2 - YG is just a dick in general. So - apologies for that.
deletedabout 14 years
i'm glad this avi is back