
in love with 
part of  family




about 8 years
ur a fucking pussy
I am and have the biggest pussy in this whole site
anonymousabout 8 years
ur a fucking pussy
Oh the irony
about 8 years
how much for your body parts?
I am afraid not, but maybe we could make a deal
about 8 years
wow are u selling body parts now?
Yes from all the cartel members I have butchered with my machete clearly
about 8 years
pene de hoe
Very unladylike

Created Setups

deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
If anyone has seen a young woman named StrawberryBot? She most likely will be seen in unranked games under the alias "botty." She used to play the 6-3 orcale games but now may be lurking the the sachy gs setup. If seen please contact KimThePanda or iHeartMileyCyrus. Thank you.
deletedover 14 years
and for that 2+ hour game!
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
+K! return please ^^
over 14 years
hey, I just realized I haven't been on for four days now X.X, which sucks, but i still don't think that'd be as fun 0.0 n lollifactionary doesn't sound as good as radafaction or radamafaction-those sound like they should be in a dictionary somewhere. =D
over 14 years
AwesomeAwesomeAwesome mafia win! Rada, mafiagal & LadyCheetah!!!! http://www.epicmafia.com/game/749128
over 14 years
lmao <_<
this is kinda painful... not gonna lie XD
over 14 years
lol never heard it :p
over 14 years
<3 yay! WE WILL SUCCEED, RADA! Nothing can stop us! :D
over 14 years
GAH sorry! D:
i wasn't online! zomg i bet they're on to us now!!! Now we gotta change our names and flee!!!! D: and yes I do have that :3
over 14 years
Let's do it! :D
over 14 years
but...but... I DON'T WANT TO BE GLEE'D! D:
deletedover 14 years
can you just accept that barca won and by a lot and that i was right, just say it "tis you were right and you always are, you goddess", thank you
over 14 years
Rada ;_; Every time I go to search for ANY song I like, there's a Glee version of it... We gotta do something about this T.T
deletedover 14 years
hahahahaha HAHAHAHA! i told you they were going to win I. TOLD. YOU!
deletedover 14 years
oh heck no. they wont lose!
deletedover 14 years
TODAY IS THE DAY go barca :)
deletedover 14 years
Can we be friends?
over 14 years
I finally got my computer fixed!!! hehe