
Your Basement
about 13 years
Disagree'd, Its like saying a cop who dont investigate is not gamethrow. A doc refusing to save is not gamethrow. A maf who refuse to kill is not gamethrow. He said he would switch into awesome, and thts why town voted and then he screwed us over. Thts gamethrow imo
about 13 years
Thanks. Would you remind also removing the suspension? At least for the sandbox.
about 13 years
>playing against town is gamethrow
about 13 years

This wasnt just "bad play"

This was blatant gamethrow against town

>slepz wanted to swtich into awesome as gov
>we let him
>he randomly switches into me
about 13 years
Well, seeing as I am suspended I can't check the game out to present you with quotes or examples or anything alike, but I'll try. Well, I actually just cc'd the cop for reaction gauging, though I didn't like his reaction too much, hence why I didn't retract my claim, assuming he was the Janitor (the same thing worked earlier that day so I admit I may have been a little eager). The fact that he barely tried to defend himself ("well if you wanna lynch me that's cool, but you're doing a mistake") is something that usually the mafias do, at least in my experience. Also, most importantly, the town believed him to be scummy aswell -- else I would have been lynched, being the cop cc and not him -- the actual mafia and me don't make up the majority vote
about 13 years
bull-fucking-shit. the intention of the rule against game-related suicide is clearly to prevent people from suiciding because theyre losing. suiciding on n1 is not of detriment to anyone but myself, my hearts, my points, and my piegraph.
deletedabout 13 years
lol ok
about 13 years
And yet Wittles is still playing after trolling about 7000 ranked games.
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
get him to put something saying he's not actually me in his profile, and all should be good. Thanks :)
about 13 years
I don't care. Stop posting shit on my fucking wall.
about 13 years
If there is a loophole, fix the law. To punish a player based on what you believe the law should be is an abuse of power. You enforce the law, not create them on a case by case basis to suit your whims.

If you notice, I retracted and no one believed, cared or unvoted. I would argue that is town playing against their win condition and you should suspend every town in the game aside from me. They played against their win condition knowing full well I retracted and persisted in the lynch. I was given no opening for explanation.

Finally, if you want to talk about the spirit of fair play; It is unfair to attempt to limit play style and creativity. I like to fake claim and I always am able to correctly fos mafia after the process is done. It is the town's eagerness for simplicity that lowers the level of play seen. I may play disagreeably, but I am fair.
deletedabout 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Oops, I think I mixed that up. Maybe I'm referring to the wrong night. Just read the game. I made every single ideal play. I had the game in the bag. Bomb wouldn't follow me on the final day (with 1 Drunk / 1 Bomb / 2 Maf / 1 Blue). Lynching right on that day was autowin. The person reporting me is venting his anger on the wrong person.
deletedabout 13 years
Oh, also: The previous night, the mimic stole the tracker's role, so one of those "blues" was the new tracker. Since tracker was mimicked (real tracker showed up blue), the mimic would be clear when he claimed tracker. Not drinking that night was not only "of no detriment," but it was the "ideal" play since the new tracker wasn't outed yet. I may have accidentally drunk with the new tracker if I chose to visit n2. For n1, since the real tracker was already outed (with no protection), there was absolutely no harm in drinking with him unless mafia chose to leave him alive.
deletedabout 13 years
N2 there were 2 mafs, 1 Drunk (me), 1 Bomb, and 2 Blues. Choosing not to drink with anyone affects nothing.
deletedabout 13 years
Yea, replied here: http://www.epicmafia.com/report/1862 (Please read the situation before automatically agreeing with a low tier player on what's considered trolling)
deletedabout 13 years
Uhh, I don't troll unless I'm messing around with people I know, or I do it after I know my side is almost guaranteed the win. Can you give me a link to the game?
about 13 years
It's not impersonation. I've worked it out with Goatemis. Won't need to change my name I think. thanks.
deletedabout 13 years
It's alright I won the refunded heart so I kinda got over it haha.