

If I am silent, it is because I don't want to talk.

My favorite class is the vigil if you modify my karma please comment why

my neg list: talltophat negged me for being honest on organized religion and making fun of god, but he took it back so I won't neg him

valentine was the stalker in reverse mafia who cussed me out for multiple games and negged me because the mafia were most likely going to lose and i asked the masons to mason me out of traitor role in return for my non lynch, but she took it back so I won't neg her

I have been gone because of login issues from my computer and I haven't played consistently in almost a year.

I don't like to brag but. . . cough

almost 13 years
join ma family
almost 13 years
so i gave you +k
deletedabout 13 years
Does this not go through your fucking head nosorum. It was lynch or lose and mafia claimed fucking bomb. I asked you if you cc'ed you denied. I gave the mafia the hammer because you never cc'ed. You are so fucking stupid. Get it through you head retard, If mafia claims your role, you counter claim. DUMB FAGGOT. I always play with the worse town ever.
about 13 years
acting all cocky, you thought you were good. you thought you could mech test, no vote, reaction test and crap. you thought you were good until you met me. the end
deletedabout 13 years
hi! accepted your friend request ^_^
about 13 years
got you back, #48
about 13 years
+k, cheers
about 13 years
+K'd back! You fricken boss :P
deletedabout 13 years
shit dude i must have forgot thats cool im your #1 fan
deletedabout 13 years
+k'd :)
deletedabout 13 years
wait were you the mmm with the bugs bunny avatar
deletedover 13 years
wow 360 friends.... impressive... (:
over 13 years
I see.
over 13 years
Random friend request was random.
deletedover 13 years
y u gotta gamethrow all the time bro
over 13 years
you received 6 violations for home erotic furry cyper role playing (HEFCRP)
over 13 years you were reported for insufficient participation and suspended for one hour
over 13 years
The doctor was alive and a mafia was claiming your role. The worst possible thing to do is just let him go un cc'd and dictate the match to his will. You did that. Vigs die N1 every so often, but I've never seen a match where the cop stays quiet and the town wins. It wasn't bad luck; it was you.
over 13 years
Wow this place really turned into soviet russia. Violations for trolling in unranked games? Seriously? Is that supposed to make me feel bad or something?