
play drawit wit me :3

ppl told me i shud write moar abt myself so heres 10 things abt me! (i think dats plenty :D)

  1. im 14 i joined EM last yr wen i was 11

  2. my bday is in Dec

  3. wen i outsmart ppl and prove they r wrong they try to pull 'ur 13' card on me but if dats all u can say then u just admited ur dumber than a 13 yr old ;)

  4. if u add me and i dont accept u rite away it doesnt mean i hate u i jst dont know u wel enough yet! (or i havent got arnd 2 checking my requests - ask me abt it and ill tel u which 1 it is :P)

  5. i only tel my skype to ppl i know and trust! theres so many ppl asking me wen i meet them 4 1st time dats not going to happen :)

  6. i hate swearing and ppl who swear at others just 2 b mean, we shud all play nice if u dont know how go bak to kindy plz

  7. im usualy nice but if u swear at me or try 2 mess with me then im going 2 do everything i can to fite bak uv been warned!!!

  8. i can b real annoying if i try 2 b, but i only troll if i think u deserve it XD

  9. i like watching funny videos on youtube lyk dat 1 i hav on my profile

  10. and every1 alrdy knows i like chocolate and bunnies. and chocolate bunnies ;)

i hav 2 explain this coz its happening so much recently

  • sometimes wen ppl mess up auto or hav no idea wat they r doing i say 'plz practise moar on unranked b4 playing in ranked' im not trying 2 b mean! .
  • im not saying ur stupid or dumb! .
  • we were all new once im teling u dat u just need to learn how 2 play 1st so ppl wont get mad at u in ranked and make it not fun for every1 .
  • i want u 2 get better so we can all play good games 2gether <3 .
  • but if u hav 500+ games then u hav no excuse!!! -_- .
  • if ur jst plain stuborn or so bigheaded dat u dont even realise wat u did wrong (or refuse 2 admit it) after ppl explain it 2 u, then i get 2 call u stupid coz dats wat u r :)

funny gaemz!!!

i got hammer after cop has me maf and i shot cop XDDDD

i got gunnd as maf and cop has me maf so i shot outside cop ccs coz if i shoot in cops its autolose 4 me and gs stil hammer real cop :D

i got gun as maf and we n1 gs but town vote nl so i blitz shot cop and vote nl 4 auto :P


anonymousover 8 years
good riddance, nobody wanted you here
cute, too bad now dat im 13 and bak 2 stay 4 gud theres nothing u can do abt it looool <3
over 8 years
here have some chocolate :) i dont know u yet but i want to play games with u
thx 4 choco lets play 2gether some time :3
over 8 years
i'd love some of your kudos if you'd give me one :)
ill kudo u wen we play 2gether and u do good :D
over 8 years
outplayed on a scale of 1 to 26?
anonymousover 8 years
Get ready for some PUN-CAKE
dat jk is so FLAT


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
19 / 25Explosion!
deletedover 8 years
To be honest, you should start typing the words correctly or people are going to make fun of you..

Stay cool
deletedover 8 years
Calm down. This is a little kid guys.
over 8 years
i didnt delete it, post it again if u want, but u just admitted ur either a liar for saying its not a word wen u knew it was, or a stupid person who didnt know it was a word. so which 1 is it? ;D
over 8 years
LOL, nice job deleting my comment. Again, 'stupider' is playground talk. Ever watched Rugrats?
over 8 years
lel so u admit ur wrong, u prove ur stupid by saying the word 'stupider' isnt a word how ironic :D
over 8 years
it is, look it up in a dictionary and learn to engrish plz ;)
over 8 years
Stupider is not a word.
over 8 years
if u stil dont get how u deserved all those 6 vios then ur even stupider than i thought, u asked for a ban so we gave it to u, why r u stil here? XD

btw if ur staying on this site at least listen 2 mods and go play unranked plz, i told u most experienced players wil agree with me wen i said that after u gt coz u didnt know how 2 play, and they did jst lyk i said they wud ;)
over 8 years
We both know why I named the album that.. Technically, it wasn't even my ban, though. It was supposed to be my brother's ban.
over 8 years
great how u named pic after urself, u finaly c wat u did wrong. and learn from ur ban plz so u dont get banned for real this time <3
over 8 years
*all talked
over 8 years
There's really nothing I can hide, I already showed Cody everything. I sent him the entire album, and my brother, Reiley, and me all talking with him on microphone at the same time on Skype. This is exactly what I showed Cody

The only reason I was banned was because of the message my brother sent to you, but we sorted it out and proved that it was not me.

It you don't believe me, you can ask Cody, and he'll absolutely confirm.
over 8 years
shud i post all ur lies here so every1 knows how u try to fake evidence and play the victim if u think u can get away with it? and how u tried 2 bluff and asked 2 b banned, actualy got banned then begged mods just so u can crawl bak to this site? ;)
over 8 years
Yeah, I don't delete or hide anything. I never have, so stop trying to pass off your lies. Also, I don't use alts. This is my only account, and I don't use my linked alt anymore; the JunkratAlt was only made to contact a mod.
over 8 years
Junkrat, ur the 1 stalking me on my profile everyday, i can c it wen u and ur alts pop in just to check if theres any new comments and downvote everything, theres a record of who visits my profile lel. btw im taking a screenshot of this so u cant delete and hide everything and try to lie like u always do :D
over 8 years
I don't want to be associated with you in any way, so stay away from my profile, my friend, and anything that has to do with me in general, stalker. Also, I happen to love being salty-- it's the best flavor. Better than being 'artificial sweet'.
over 8 years
lol @ downvoting everything abt me coz salty i got u banned and tells me to mind my own business wen i do it 1 time ;)
over 8 years
Kindly mind your own business.
deletedover 8 years
rorasa is legit picasso's grand daughter! :D
over 8 years
oh btw heres scoreboard so far Reileyje

Rorasa - +6
Lying Psycho Team - -3 (Reileyje - HC)
(Junkrat - GT)
(Reileyje - Harrassment 1st)
(Junkrat/GayManLiker - Harassment 1st)
(Junkrat/GayManLiker - Harassment 2nd)
(Junkrat/GayManLiker - BANNED!!!) :D
(Rorasa - NV)
(Rorasa - NV)
(Rorasa - NV)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)