
play drawit wit me :3

ppl told me i shud write moar abt myself so heres 10 things abt me! (i think dats plenty :D)

  1. im 14 i joined EM last yr wen i was 11

  2. my bday is in Dec

  3. wen i outsmart ppl and prove they r wrong they try to pull 'ur 13' card on me but if dats all u can say then u just admited ur dumber than a 13 yr old ;)

  4. if u add me and i dont accept u rite away it doesnt mean i hate u i jst dont know u wel enough yet! (or i havent got arnd 2 checking my requests - ask me abt it and ill tel u which 1 it is :P)

  5. i only tel my skype to ppl i know and trust! theres so many ppl asking me wen i meet them 4 1st time dats not going to happen :)

  6. i hate swearing and ppl who swear at others just 2 b mean, we shud all play nice if u dont know how go bak to kindy plz

  7. im usualy nice but if u swear at me or try 2 mess with me then im going 2 do everything i can to fite bak uv been warned!!!

  8. i can b real annoying if i try 2 b, but i only troll if i think u deserve it XD

  9. i like watching funny videos on youtube lyk dat 1 i hav on my profile

  10. and every1 alrdy knows i like chocolate and bunnies. and chocolate bunnies ;)

i hav 2 explain this coz its happening so much recently

  • sometimes wen ppl mess up auto or hav no idea wat they r doing i say 'plz practise moar on unranked b4 playing in ranked' im not trying 2 b mean! .
  • im not saying ur stupid or dumb! .
  • we were all new once im teling u dat u just need to learn how 2 play 1st so ppl wont get mad at u in ranked and make it not fun for every1 .
  • i want u 2 get better so we can all play good games 2gether <3 .
  • but if u hav 500+ games then u hav no excuse!!! -_- .
  • if ur jst plain stuborn or so bigheaded dat u dont even realise wat u did wrong (or refuse 2 admit it) after ppl explain it 2 u, then i get 2 call u stupid coz dats wat u r :)

funny gaemz!!!

i got hammer after cop has me maf and i shot cop XDDDD

i got gunnd as maf and cop has me maf so i shot outside cop ccs coz if i shoot in cops its autolose 4 me and gs stil hammer real cop :D

i got gun as maf and we n1 gs but town vote nl so i blitz shot cop and vote nl 4 auto :P


anonymousover 7 years
You type like a scene girl. I'm disappointed to be in your age group.
gud dat was my plan all along :D
anonymousover 7 years
nasty ass pervert
no u ;)
over 7 years
send nudes
lol k
over 7 years
y are u so savage? im ded
coz me 2 pro :P
anonymousover 7 years
is your name Eliza
how did u know :0


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
19 / 25Explosion!
almost 9 years
You're a smart girl Rorasa. Have chocolate.
almost 9 years
TheDedicatedKitty started harassing me after he lost as maf and got a vio for it lol. I left one of his rage msg up so ppl can c wat kind of person he is :)
over 9 years
Not my fault I lost to a no brained POS that thinks they're good.

Glossary for the mentally handicapped -
POS = Piece of
mentally handicapped = Stupid.
thinks = A thought, not a real fact.
over 9 years
+k to 4 :) return? ♥
over 9 years
Next time I´ll give you +K