

Anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant.

about 14 years
+k for you!
about 14 years
Jajaja sorry but i cant see anything that people write in the pregame or aftergame
about 14 years
+k cuz.....char char XD :), and rada said hello :P
deletedabout 14 years
YES! Paid in full.
about 14 years
aw, who the fuck -K'ed me D: my first K's too :( :(
about 14 years
+K, keep playing non-fail-like. =P
deletedabout 14 years
Remind me to +K you when u have enough pts.
deletedabout 14 years
IOU one +k. You need to play more ranked games before I can. Remind me when you can get karma!
about 14 years
Holy shit, you're a new player but you aren't a blithering idiot like the rest.
deletedabout 14 years
lmfaoooo best. game. ever. & most fail of a game. since we outted ourselves as maf hahah
deletedabout 14 years
dr_autopsy is my steam ID, if you can get on.
about 14 years
I'm sorry I lied =O
about 14 years
I think we both sent requests to each at the same time O_O
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
I can only add you to my family if you have enough points so you need to play some ranked games.
about 14 years
Your an awesome new player. I don't know hows that possible but you are an awesome new player. :D