

touch connors AKA cunt eatswood AKA fuck sweetly AKA toker grace AKA tricky dick rick AKA...

about 14 years
finally can +K. sorry about that game D:
about 14 years

It's from a site I help with that's still getting by for now. New sign-ups are on over there. (if that doesn't work I'll just give you a direct link to the site and stuff)
about 14 years
will +K for sticking it out. sorry! D:
about 14 years

When new sign-ups come up should I just tell you through here on the comments?
about 14 years
thanks. +K back at you ;D
about 14 years
That's for the karma upgrade. I'll try to be even more dooder and chiller in the future!
about 14 years
+k for being an old ie user and switching to chrome too
about 14 years
you jerk :P +k
about 14 years
If I had another 1k I'd be giving you +1. GG with your last heart. We did awesome in that.
about 14 years
+k for drunking digs
about 14 years
good game as mafia, plus karma
about 14 years
Don't lie about being the yakuza in survivor. -k
about 14 years
goodtimesroll is a fucking faggot