anonymousover 9 years
.... :0 you are a cool ghost....keep being dapper.....
thank you... you seem nice...
anonymousover 9 years
why are you such an asshole in cheat?
i'm sorry... it is a mystery...
anonymousover 9 years
i have an unrequited love for you :0
i am a ghost, i do not have any desire to love. and i am not a pototo :0
anonymousover 9 years
it is a napstablook
anonymousover 9 years
oH MY GOD i just watched undertale's pacifist route and the ghost is so precious oh my god
it is a my... thank you, i appreciate the compliment... stery
i'm actually fairly confident all noavis are the same person cursed to eternally walk the planes of epicmafia
this is literally too funny i cant for some reason it makes me laugh so hard like one noavi got policied and is determined to doom on everyone now im cryin so HARD