

I am going into retirement due to losing interest in the games.

Reach me at if you need too.


1 / 20Super Sleuth!
about 14 years
+k, please return! dude, nice smiley avi:P
about 14 years
plus k for fuk pro villagers
deletedabout 14 years
Thanks for the heads-up, good game. I couldn't draw a connection between you and Renea for a very long period, made it very difficult.
about 14 years
+k for awesome scumhunting!
over 14 years
Alrighty Earp - time to rock that trophy and pick some awesome setups in the name of the No God Squad!
over 14 years
Awesome job mang
over 14 years
Welcome to the No God Squad, Wyatt Earp!
over 14 years
+k to counteract qtip's neg. ugh. bad players and bad sports. terrible christmas eve combination!
over 14 years
+k, return please
deletedover 14 years
It clearly is a neg bomb. Good to see people who actually spec'd the game realized how dumb negging me was and gave me karma.
deletedover 14 years
-K obviously
over 14 years
It is not cocky if you can back it up
over 14 years
Earp, you did nothing wrong that day - perhaps outing your fos would have helped, but it was up to me and Lawls to catch Banana, and we failed to make it happen. The loss is on us.
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
deletedover 14 years
+k from jesswhite!
deletedover 14 years
+k for you.
over 14 years
Stop pretending I am spamming you wall
over 14 years
and stop spamming my wall
over 14 years
>askign for karma
>never done it in my life
>you are a faggot
>hence the -k
>GTFO EM wanker
over 14 years
On using a secant to differentiate: suppose f(x) is differentiable on the interval [C, C+deltaC]. Graph the function and draw a secant line through the points (C, f(C)) and (C+deltaC, f(C+deltaC)). Consider the slope of this line and take the limit as deltaC approaches zero. Look familiar?