

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/555052 best monk game ever. Literally fastest way you can win.

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/802498 ZOMBIE ZOMBIE ZOMBIE IE IE IE OO

over 13 years
+k for my lovely friend
over 13 years
Hey, I saw your comment in my role earlier and I just found out someone has been impersonating my account. I usually never suicide.
deletedover 13 years
you asked to be shot as a town PR. I'm not even going to bother to read anything else you said, that's clear-cut playing against your win condition.
over 13 years
negged for being one of the worst cops ive ever seen. not claiming cop when i asked you and saying "shoot me i dare you" isnt the best way to win
deletedover 13 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/game/494025 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/494088 regardless of whether or not you felt like claiming in this games, egging people on to kill you, especially as a power role, is not playing to your win condition so i'm suspending you for game throwing.
over 13 years
Nope, when you kicked it froze my shit. I really don't care if you believe me or not. It's a game.
deletedover 13 years
can we get our hearts back for this awful game http://www.epicmafia.com/game/494025/review?
deletedover 13 years
1 hour suspension for game related suicide in http://www.epicmafia.com/game/402937 - Two wrongs don't make a right, sorry.
almost 14 years
that's the one and only time I've vegged in months of playing; I'm sorry but please retract your -k for a genuine mistake
almost 14 years
-k for vegging
almost 14 years
+k for agent play! please return!
about 14 years
i deserve the neg i guess... told u its been a while and i feel bad for underestimating the other maf. i didnt think he would go along with my false claim. sorry i played like shit :(

out of curiousity and wanting to get better.... what would u have done if u were me?
about 14 years
hey lol sorry. i knew that it was a gambit but there wasn't much else i could do. plus im in a huge rush and have to go lol. i knew the whole time that it was between you two, i just gave you more credit because in that game you seemed better.... so haha. my bad :P
about 14 years
+k as promised
about 14 years
about 14 years
can I be +k yet?!
about 14 years
+k for sui.
deletedover 14 years
I love you too.
deletedover 14 years
Negged for being one of the worst players, and by far the worst tracker, I've ever seen.
over 14 years
no i'm not god. in fact, that'd contradict my entire argument o_o