
Dont tread on me.
part of  family

If you tell me its "you're" when i say your, im going to neg you. Dont be an asshole

Im really really good at EM

almost 10 years
+k to 95 :) return? ♥
over 11 years Pay more attention in ranked games.
over 13 years
you've got the best stats so far bro use them hearts
over 13 years - you were reported for repeated suicides. You have a very high suicide rate. Please only join games that you will be able to finish. If you continue to keep vegging/suiciding you will receive a violatoin
deletedover 13 years
I took the violation off, apologies for that but like I said I wasn't the one who gave you it
deletedover 13 years
I wasn't the one who suspended you, it looks like laexio gave you that violation
over 13 years
leave the fam so we can make a new one yadig
over 13 years
I respect how you commented before negging me but what is wrong with thinking he was trying to save me? I did soft-claim governor after all. And why would the guy claim governor if he was going to get killed anyway?
over 13 years
Why you so mad.
You ended up looking anti-town.
Pretty much, you ended up -karma'ing me for that. Really.
over 13 years
over 13 years
Accept the invite bro..
over 13 years
bro you have to leave your fam first before we can send the invite
deletedover 13 years
+k for decent play as town, you town told well.
over 13 years
+karm for being brilliant.
deletedover 13 years
That was heartbreaking, I make mistakes too, but that was completely closed minded, and not just shooting the OBVIOUS PR. but the way you handled it after.
over 13 years
Negged for, terrible BP play, outing basically everyone to maf. You don't just fos everyone until you get a pr to shoot.
deletedover 13 years
Apologies for the suspension, the offense has been removed from your record. In the future if you make a mistake in-game, be sure to say you made a mistake so people don't get the wrong idea.
deletedover 13 years
Here's the deal: i have been lead to believe i may have been overly harsh in punishing. So if you apologize and say you didn't mean to vote against strider n1 and that it was just a mistake, you get the violation removed and i'll admit i was wrong. i don't think that's an unreasonable thing to ask.