
Mother Russia

If you are going to +K or -K me please leave a comment

Also call me Alg or AlgeruS but, please, not goddamn Alger

Guise test: Ask for the name of the dude in my avatar Ask which show he's from

Created Setups

about 14 years
about 14 years
+ked you bro. plus you were good in a game i was in, so yeah, not completely begging for karma haha
about 14 years
+K since i want you to give them to me too :)
about 14 years
free karma you say?
about 14 years
ill +k you
about 14 years
Hey!:)2k for u!please return
deletedabout 14 years
someone negged you for giving out k? wow what douches. will come back when i hit 2k and +k you.
about 14 years
+2k. Now you're at zero, lol.
about 14 years
:) :) :)
about 14 years
then I'll negg you now for being an ass ^^ I got quite a few +Ks, if you actually watched the game instead of running your mouth to a senior member of the site, you'd realize why I asked.
about 14 years
I am! +2k