
part of  family

Sorry Imp but it looks like the only person I can ever trust to win a game is myself, to make up for it I won't change your bio/avy to weeashit

The above was written by stab

over 13 years
Hey my brotha, miss playing with you. (:
deletedover 13 years
i apologize that you suck so hard that i beat u <3
over 13 years
Omg! Imp! It's Lorlele! I miss you!!
deletedover 13 years
Thank you sir
deletedover 13 years
sucks for you i already have you plussed. but i can make it +4 instead of +2. also, fix that avatar. i liked the old one better.
over 13 years
Sadly, it doesn't seem like it's gotten much better. This site has potential, but there needs to be a lobby where inclusion is based on being a skilled player - maybe like silver, but by invite only. Mods could choose a crop of experienced players, and they could nominate other players they've played with, etc, and mods could remove players who pull shit. It's better than it was, but there's still at least one troll or complete moron in every game...
over 13 years
I see you left too :/ I'm temporarily back to see if things have gotten any better on here... hope to see you in a game!
over 13 years
idk, maybe.
deletedover 13 years
I just noticed I don't have you plussed!! =O You are a great player.
deletedover 13 years
on a side note implosion, you're one of the few players left that are mildly respectable for now. cut down on the caps spam and the semi-trolling when playing with friends, and you'd be a dignified player. at least you're generally nice and try to improve. how long before you leave out of frustration or become a friend-whoring game troll?
deletedover 13 years
all the good players are gone and "boo hoo you miss maxwell", or you'd rage at everyone who fucks up, even when you fucked up plenty of times too (*shrug* "it happens"). Ever stop to think shit like that happens to other players too? The only good thing he's done is help expose cheating assholes to the rest of the community (Wendys, the recent chat log about mods cheating). But at least wonderland and dani aren't complete douchebags when they play or post on the forums. Chesskid on the other hand is irritating as hell, and reminds me of a less trollish version of windsy, which is damn embarrassing. Tell him to grow up or stick to forum lurking - playing with him when he gets all pissy is a painful experience.
deletedover 13 years
That's good that he likes my posts and comments, seeing as how I immensely dislike him. Hell with all his gossiping he probably already knows one of my mains, so I don't feel bad at all letting him know that he's an irritating, obnoxious douchebag. I'm not talking about skill - he's obviously a great player - I'm talking about how he behaves. "Something not going my way? Someone not as good as me? WELL THEN YOU'RE A RETARD STFU STOP TALKING PLEASE KTHX". I'm cool with fighting back against people who start talking shit to you, but when you literally provoke others by insulting them, yelling at them, not giving them the respect they deserve - that just makes you look like a complete asshat taking part in one of the many problems infesting this community. Nobody gives a shit that you're above average - talking shit to people who make you mad but are legit trying is pathetic. Get over yourself. I'm glad you left because everytime I played with you, you'd either bitch and moan about how
over 13 years
T.T wait so you could hear me?? did my votes go though too? T.T T,T that was so weird! i've never been frozen before. WHAT IS THIS STUPID SERVER MADNESS
over 13 years
Lol I really thought you were mafia haha. Oh boy, im embarrassed. Kthnx bai (Removed your neg +3k :D!)
over 13 years
are you on?
deletedover 13 years
It's fine if you want to keep them the same though.
deletedover 13 years
Imp, I'm sorry but can you please change a setup to something standard like Jan 2.0, SDS, or PaU? It's up to you, but I'd like to run next round and the only good setup is lolnoobtraitor. So far I'm 0/4 in that.
over 13 years
Congrats on the win : )
over 13 years
:( You could have been more diehard about not wanting to get lynched. I was lucky Sharon lurked for the first part of the day when I was scumtelling (I believed that you were BG saved). If she didn't I think we would have lost.
over 13 years
Implooooooo I'm sorry for being such passive mafs. You had to carry us the entire way >.>