
You'll find me in the orchards
in love with someone gone
part of  family

I will always fight the war on FLAT HAIR by using new Garnier (c) Peach Shampoo


anonymousover 11 years
Nah man nah..
Get out.
anonymousover 11 years
over 11 years
Nah Nah Nah.
Nah man
anonymousover 11 years
How does it feel to be the biggest faggot in EM history?
Where's my trophy?
anonymousover 11 years
Nah man nah


1 / 20Super Sleuth!
about 14 years
LMFAOOOOOOOO That Beiber video was amazing.
about 14 years
Well, yeah. Thats cause you need to clam down.
about 14 years
Lol stop bsing, I saw the game
about 14 years
She probably lynched you cause you called all Catholics satanists , I would have done the same thing. Im catholic
about 14 years
YOU ARENT DEAD!!! :D konrad said i missed the funeral.
about 14 years
yep. missed my kii though<3 :D
about 14 years
i'm not mad, just frustrated and dumb town. ps: you're back at zero k now!
deletedabout 14 years
Kiii! ^^
about 14 years
Most epic bio ever, right here. can't wait until I can give karma so that -6 gets bumped up to -5
about 14 years
I've been on vacation baybeee.
about 14 years
ugh ok im done arguing can we just make a truce and leave this behind?im tired of arguing ill be your friend if you be
deletedabout 14 years
:\ I've been superrrr busy.
about 14 years
Hahaha you make me laugh go make real friends?I'm sorry did i spend my whole life on here no,i woke up in the Morning and saw you on here then check back and see you again still on here around ten pm so don't tell me to make new friends because i have a life unlike you who spends all his day on here trolling.
about 14 years
Hahahahahaha ok so I'm craving for attention?who's the one posting on my wall insults.haha get real your as stupid ad they can get.I don't reside to epic mafia to get the substantial attention a person needs.haha goodbye
deletedabout 14 years
gamethrow -k when i can
deletedabout 14 years
mood doesnt throw games he gets ppl to throw games for him
deletedabout 14 years
thanks buddy you too
about 14 years
ohaithr doc.
deletedabout 14 years
I'm corp
about 14 years
I don't cheat. I like spectating unranked games.