
Long Island, New York
in love with 
part of  family

If you think your comments offend me, grow a pair.

Play well? Enjoy a sticker!

Correlating a persons political views to their mafia skills --> you are a weenie

Have a question? Send me a message!

P.S. I don't play much but for those curious, I'm making FAT stacks now $$$$. I'll be back in a few years to laugh @ the haters.

Does this trigger you?

MSM, CUCKS, SHILLS, LOSERS, SJWs, BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like people did not Pokemon Go to the polls...

Against all odds.




Cant stop winning.




Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas.

Despite it's impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and some can be highly venomous.

As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing venom.

Even tarantulas aren't immune from an ambush.

This centipede is a predator...

ALT 1: LegitZooted

ALT 2: JohnnyJWorthington

ALT 3: Tracker


Enjoy some real news:



anonymousover 9 years
I'm not otaku but uh:Shrek, (jk), The Devil Is A Part Timer, Mayo Chiki, Heaven's Lost Property, Sword Art Online, Blue Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Butler, Attack On Titan, Bleach, One Piece, and Death Note. Oh wait that's eleven sorry.
Well memed my friend! You are a weeabo
anonymousover 9 years
what a sad existence you live
It must be better than yours, considering you're trying to bully people on an online video game xD
over 9 years
sorry, forgot i had a gun lol


25 / 25Explosion!
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Scumhunter
almost 6 years
is two years too late to reply “right here”?
about 7 years
+k you're cool ;)
deletedabout 7 years
+k, you played that well.
about 7 years
thanku for the sticker mr zippy
over 7 years
hey punk
over 7 years
meme'd :^) (plus k+)
over 7 years
Protip, this guy is a white supremacist. Has an alt named "YouWillNotReplaceUs". He will claim up and down it is not his alt, but after i called "YouWillNotReplaceUs" a na zi, I got reported from this account for calling him a na zi. BTW, Breitbart is FAKE NEWS
almost 8 years
CNN is the easter egg. (They get 0% trust)
But, I don't trust Breitbart, or Drudge 100% either. I'd give them 60%

A better news outlet is i'd give them a 95%
They are pretty decent although I don't agree with everything their either.
The Resurgent, is good, Erick Erickson,
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
I updated it to the new one. Good call!
deletedalmost 8 years
+K for one of the best profile pages I've seen on EM. I'd use this song though.
about 8 years
+k for saving me in a comp game!!
about 8 years
Grats bro
about 8 years
hey whats up? long time no talk.
deletedover 8 years
Ily gangsta, hold down the fort
over 8 years
ayyy youre dank and you start drama in mainlobby i like u
almost 9 years
He's a loser
almost 9 years
so you're having a lot of trouble with kagerrou too huh?
almost 9 years
and kilroy waddup who u
almost 9 years
ayyyy yung