
New Hampshire

I am a 25 year old male. I have an identical twin brother.

Suicides don't go to heaven.

I don't bus.


I am very pro town against guisers. Please bear with me.

Guise test me on: Dunkin Donuts Magic The Gathering reverse mafia N1, mismason, vig shoots fool, I stalk vig, we lynch, auto maf win with all 5 traitors I'm cop. Guilty N1. Watcher tells me he sees the guised visit N2. guilty N3.

horrible, horrible, game

Don't guise as me...

almost 14 years
Just because I don't do what everyone else does, does not make me fail. I saved the yakk and the yakk knew it. I faked who I saved and they in turn should have yakked me. How is that fail? I played to win.
almost 14 years
+K for u please return!
about 14 years
yeah i fucked up, but ironically i almost got pokey lynched if town hadnt figured out the autowin thing. but yea now i see ccing cop d1 is a no go
about 14 years
plus k for good scumhunting
about 14 years
+k btw
about 14 years
You mad cuz I got you lynched? :(
Stop killin me in our games! :)
about 14 years
my fault sucka, i'll give you karma because i f'd up.
about 14 years
Negged for not claiming doc while random lynch was being lead against you.
deletedabout 14 years
Negged for shooting both docs as vig and being a general failure at leading lynches properly.
about 14 years
thx good. I'm about same distance from 2000 pts.
I'll try to remember likewise +K
about 14 years
classy behaviour claiming maf when town cast a lynch after a risky (and finally failing) doc fakeclaim.. +k
about 14 years
Since you called me a "stupid fag" I'm returning the favor without a karma decrease, stupid fag.
about 14 years
+4 K.
about 14 years
+k because of the disguiser mishap, don't talk on the forum or lobby about karma though, it'll get you severally neg bombed. (I suggest deleting that thread)
about 14 years
+k because of the disguiser mishap
deletedabout 14 years
You're a good player. Get an avvy and people will take you more seriously when you have a guilty. Also, push harder on your guilties.