
bronx, NY NYC

FINALLY HIT 10k POINTS (12/8/10)


over 14 years
+k'ed to counter the idiot negging you for nothing
deletedover 14 years
lol thanks and returned :)
over 14 years
+ed back. I lold
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
ha ha... i was never offended or worried. Thanks for the support!
over 14 years
i had nothing else to go on.... everything else seemed manufactured. also, he didnt jump on the "yes, lets lynch him" feeling that i was putting out, which effected you, as well as me
over 14 years
Thanks! :D +Ked.
over 14 years
i do the dumbest shit when i'm high. If im banned of it i deserve it.

deserved the -k, thanks
over 14 years
Ah, probably reaction tested them, and they failed even as town.
over 14 years
I could, if I remembered... what game we played together...
over 14 years
Excuse me? I was just afk most of the time because I was blue, and south park was on TV.
deletedover 14 years
u need help with your karma if so heres so karma lad, all i ask for is that u do the same my friend
+K plz return
over 14 years
Sui :\
over 14 years
thanks for suiciding
over 14 years
thx bro, you're a trooper
over 14 years
and I assume that 2k was from you, thanks :) returned
deletedover 14 years
My dog broke, man. I had to go
over 14 years
I have increased your karma by one point. After much philosophical introspection I realize that although you inadvertently crushed my dreams of winning one game, this is not your regular behavior, and you did not wish to hurt me so. And although regardless of your intention, I am severely damaged emotionally, I am not justified in stealing your little blue circles and writing a long-winded comment on your profile.
over 14 years
I have lowered your karma by one point as retribution for the emotional distress cause by going afk and preventing me from winning. Please return it and/or delete this comment if you are an absolute baby. I also ask that you go to and search for pictures of sad puppies, so you understand the turmoil and grief I am feeling at this time, and will continue to feel well into my senior years. You have made one man very, very disappointed. The bleak outlook on the world and humankind I now feel is entirely your fault.
over 14 years
76048 started playing 10/25/10