
part of  family

IRC Mafia (I'm always here)[email protected]


about 12 years
why so casual?
I'm just really laid back. I know you're probably envious of my easygoing nature.
about 12 years
ass tits penis tits cunts depth of shit
Only sometimes, tbh.
deletedover 14 years
+2k cos u have no nose
over 14 years
I'm laughing at your neg for me shooting the stalker.
Do you think I planned to make the game go unranked? Get over it.
over 14 years
+k for some awesome playing.
over 14 years
+K for awesome setups!
over 14 years
I could have swore you were guiser, lol.
Sorry! <3
deletedover 14 years
+K darling!
over 14 years
I did!
over 14 years
Who negged me? :O
deletedover 14 years
Free +k Frosty!
deletedover 14 years
+k for being so super cool
over 14 years
Actually, I'm a noob, just started playing this game. I've been winning most of my ranked games. Won't be long now. But I won't neg you. Revenge negging won't bring my own karma up in any way. Sorry for threatening you, but I'm not sorry for being a troll :)
over 14 years
You don't neg for unranked games. Get a life. Don't worry, I promise to return the favor.
over 14 years
Stability is just a sore loser. D: Anyways, what I actually came to your freaking profile for. GET IN A GAME.
deletedover 14 years
Turns out I'm a dick. Huh. Who knew?
deletedover 14 years
Miss you
over 14 years
Plus for friend.
over 14 years
+K [:
over 14 years
Prime you bitch. You're beating me in Karma.