

If you are gonna neg me, at least give a reason.

I don't like playing as mafia, so don't yak me.

lurk =/= scum i like to sit back and observe ppl until i have a few reads before i start speaking more

if i am not blindly sheeping the clear, im not automatically mafia. i like to play my own games and not let fail clears play them for me.

deletedabout 14 years
nice work.. I watched for the most part and thought jojo was gonna listen to you in the end so i left.
Thanks for avenging me! :D
about 14 years
+k for two well played games in a row
about 14 years
about 14 years
cool, if you're gonna neg me for no reason, at least have the balls to say so
about 14 years
+k for eventually getting the mafia with me on 3way lylo.
about 14 years
not when i get killed early or get mislynched because bad townies *cough*consummant*cough* dont listen to my logic. btws google, i barely put any consideration into fez's dying words. thanks to yourself that is. you reminded me that evil coulda been maf. so your all too eager lynch on fez was even more suspicious. and you were not playing as if you were the doc. the first two days you were playing as if you were nilla villa, very GF like. the fact that you missed mach's doc claim backed up that you would kill mcaids since you didnt know which was doc. gg not fail logic or luck at all.
about 14 years
An excellent scumhunter has a better blue win bro.
about 14 years
+karma for you, excellent scumhunter
deletedabout 14 years
>.> ahahah ok then whatever u say cause u know best >.>
about 14 years
Very close game! you did well yes, but I fos'ed you all after the fake cop lawyer died. You could of pulled it off, but I was dead set against you due to the fact that simply makeout could of won on d1 if he voted for maf. Therefore you had no real leg to stand on. Remember in future, if you are mafia, then when day hits you are offically blue, no matter what happens, don't protect mafia buddies if cop has report on them then they are fucked anyway, look after yourself and survive.
deletedabout 14 years
I'm sorry about that last game. You did act town, I just failed to realize it. I take full blame for it. superman seemed like town to me too