Horrible town, didn't even try to find the mafia, just tunneling randomly and blamed PR when things went wrong
deletedalmost 14 years
Your name has been reported as offensive, so I'm going to politely ask you to change your name or delete your account to avoid causing further offense. Thanks.
deletedalmost 14 years
Wow, I had a perfectly good reason to neg you, and you just neg me back. Whatever, great job on wasting my time, and taking my points away from me...
LOL , i had my vote on for like 3 mintues.. we could have lynched dude . don't blame me . you were just so keen on lynching matt . what does the order matter . cool i don't care .
Anyways we could argue for a long time about whats the worst, NLing or NKing, but in the end, its up to lucid to decide which side (town or mafia) needs to give up. then the setup creators can balance the game accordingly. But right now its a grey area and both sides can't afford to give up their edge.
deletedalmost 14 years
Not at all, i don't feel i am abusing the rules. Actually i think YOU are abusing the rules. Mafia is a game of lynching, if you do not lynch many days in a row i think YOU are playing against the spirit of the game.
You decided mafia is the one who should give up their edge, but its really not that obvious. The game does NEED to make a clear rule about which sides needs to give up their edge in such a situation.
+K as apologies for lynching you as Doctor, I have no idea what was in my mind, I was tired, I didn't read the game well enough, and I completely forgot you were supposed to claim. I really apologize.