

Newbie, playing for fun instead of points.

Disable backspace key as "going back" in FireFox: go to "about:config" Change the value of the backspace variable to 2.

If you +k or -k, please leave a note why you did, so I can give karma back or improve my behaviour :)

about 14 years
i plussed you
about 14 years
thanks sweetie. I think i sucked at that game actually im having a bad night and i didnt feel like leading hhaha. +k for you because i hope to play with you again.
about 14 years
+k for freinds <3
about 14 years
Reminder: +k from dazdaz, choas, Baenling
about 14 years
2k for you for being amazing:)
about 14 years
i did just becose you so nice.
about 14 years
Thanks for giving me Karma, whoever did :) Would be nice to leave me a note, I can return the favor as soon as I can
about 14 years
Viel Spaß noch und das wir bald wieder zusammen spielen. :)
about 14 years
Like I said before the lobby closed, did you no-kill on that night with no deaths?
about 14 years
Thank you Joleen!
about 14 years
Alanna, there will be people raging on you every time because of being mad. There are a lot of good players on EM, but there are also retarded ones that cannot handle with not winning a game.

You're new, you played in training lobby. Those people should know that in training lobby are many new players who want to learn this game.

So just ignore those guys.
about 14 years
However, I did not know whom to trust.
Both voted against each other, so I had to guess randomly as time was counting down very fast. I made the wrong choice.
How can I make a decision if there is virtually no discussion?
Of course I got abused again, told I was a moron.

Generally, I don't understand why people put so much hate out. Mafia is supposed to be fun.

I understand this is the training grounds for a reason: newbies come here to learn the game.
If you treat newbies like that, how are they going to get better? How will they be encouraged to stay and learn?

I would love to get your opinions on this.

PS: I wanted to post this on the boards but I need 500 points to do that
about 14 years

I started playing here 2 days ago. That day, I met a few really nice players.

However, there was also a player that did not understand the concepts people were talking about. I tried to explain what I could, but others just did not bother to.

Today, I played a game with no cop. The doctor was killed in N1, so discussion started. One player was afk, so we decided to kill him - which was a bad idea, we should have done NL.
I then get bashed for "kicklynching", not even knowing what it is. It was explained to me later in the lobby.
After that, I joined another game with the same players to discuss what went wrong (my mistake).
They say I'm an idiot newbie, stupid etc.
In that game, again the doctor died in the first night (same player as last time).
So one of the players says that he has beef with me and another player and if we were scum, we would have killed them.
Votes were for NL. Mafia kills the other player they had beef with, so they know their target.
about 14 years
Ambipom: Just because it was obvious to you does not mean it was obvious to me.
If there is no discussion, it is hard for a newbie to decide, especially if its just A saying: "B is mafia" and B saying: "A is mafia"
Why did you not stay after the game to explain to me how I should have interpreted the situation? Why did you push your vote instead of giving me time to decide?
about 14 years
remind me later to neg you for voting me when the mafia was obvious
about 14 years
I added you as a friend. I hope to play with you again some time. (und sprechen mehr Deutsch!)