
part of  family

Yes.... or maybe not.... I don't know, really.


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
7 / 20He's Batman
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Explosion!

Created Setups

almost 14 years
+k for dieing night one. =X
deletedalmost 14 years
Shhh :O
almost 14 years
well guess what! it was all the dogs fault. Not the kids! HA.
almost 14 years
My avie is pretty cool
almost 14 years
Yah!! bring it. Il show you whats up. HOW DARE YOU guise me like THAT!!
almost 14 years
+k plz return
almost 14 years
+K <:3
almost 14 years
+k return plz
almost 14 years
+k return :3
almost 14 years
Nice call on prime yaking :D
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
wtf..i got negged today..I havent been on today Dx
Now im at 0 karma D<
almost 14 years
Huh. I didn't + you yet on THIS account :D
deletedalmost 14 years
This bitch negged me twice because she played stupid and let maf win ;_;
almost 14 years
Played with you a few times, just remembered the pokemon icon, I saw you added as one of friends who added me. thats all
almost 14 years
If you +k me I'll get your name off my profile
almost 14 years
Already had you +k'd :p
almost 14 years
Sorry Lorlele... I'd +k you back but I've already +k'd you :|
deletedalmost 14 years
YAY <3 I'll +k you back when i get 2000
almost 14 years
Nope, just the ones that +k me.