
married to 




almost 6 years
whos ur forever wife?
it's you, of course.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
15 / 15Knight Devout
10 / 10Scumhunter
14 / 20He's Batman
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

about 7 years
karma for u
about 7 years
very cute background kagerrou
deletedabout 7 years
Your comments on here are very strange
about 7 years
i'll miss you gf
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
Thank you dag! You got a sick profile too m8 :doge:
deletedabout 7 years
Post this on 15 players walls of people who are the nicest and most beautiful humans in the world. :)
about 7 years
So I was in a game with a person who said you were the most hated player. Not sure if they hate you, but, being gay myself, I'm gonna give you +K for sticking it to the homophobes on here :)
over 7 years
hey, that was sweet of you thank you for the sticker <3
over 7 years
hi ur cool
deletedover 7 years
Yeah dag who?
over 7 years
Who's your em crush? :3c
deletedover 7 years
who is that cute girl in ur status. tell her to hmu
over 7 years
i karma'd you like 2 yeears ago
over 7 years
sometimes i sit and ponder, whether or not i will be something..... but with you by my side i can feel and defend my honour and yours. Thank you Dag. Thank you. Remember +k doesn't mean anything unless it's by a friend. <3
over 7 years
good song :doge:
deletedover 7 years
i think ur pretty dam ur pretty damn ok
over 7 years
Imagine being as perfect as Dag
over 7 years
be sure u never let ur guards dowaaaaAAaaaA
deletedover 7 years
you're the best daddy ever