

I am a cat..a black cat,for the last 3 yrs i've been living with my (amazing, charming,lovely) (ok, that was too modest of me)owner and i've been really shocked to find out how superstitious people are,they are craazyyyy..ok, i also am, for being a talking cat at 4.00 am.. I joined epicmafia 'cause I wanted to prove ppl black cats are goood, mostly village sided.. Don't you believe me?...well, play with me and you'll see :D (P.S:I am not high..really..) P.S2: I am a decent cat,I never beg for Karma :D

over 14 years
Negged for kicks.
over 14 years
+k <3
over 14 years
+2k karma, return when you can please (:
over 14 years
Thanks! +k for you tooo :)
deletedover 14 years
Also, what time are you generally on? I'm in a timezone that's like 5 hours different from you... You're on GMT right?
deletedover 14 years
Not sure why you're being negged 0_o I plussed you on two more accounts.
over 14 years
I can see a -K there :D whatever..that's probably 'cause my net connection went off and my partners got mad..or was it you Cultist? to make me give you Karma lol :)))
I will give+K to those I think deserve it, based on a game or personality :D
over 14 years
+k, return the favor?
deletedover 14 years
lol'd +k :P
over 14 years
over 14 years
Thank you, you cute little one kittie. :)
over 14 years
+K please return.
deletedover 14 years
+k for knowing common sense.
over 14 years
hello 2k for u please return when u can
over 14 years
Multumeeeeesc :D
over 14 years
+k :*