

I am a cat..a black cat,for the last 3 yrs i've been living with my (amazing, charming,lovely) (ok, that was too modest of me)owner and i've been really shocked to find out how superstitious people are,they are craazyyyy..ok, i also am, for being a talking cat at 4.00 am.. I joined epicmafia 'cause I wanted to prove ppl black cats are goood, mostly village sided.. Don't you believe me?...well, play with me and you'll see :D (P.S:I am not high..really..) P.S2: I am a decent cat,I never beg for Karma :D

over 13 years
kama kama kama kama kama kamadeva +k
deletedalmost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
Nahhhh ;)
deletedalmost 14 years
you have msn kama?
almost 14 years
Argh, god dammit. I'd -k you, but I've failed when low on sleep as well. You need to be awake to keep idiots like that from winning. He didn't deserve it.
almost 14 years
just look at the obvious stuff come on
almost 14 years
You are indeed a good cat :p
Thanks for the + K also we are a good maf or town team so <3 XD
almost 14 years
And here goes a +2K
deletedalmost 14 years
Nicely done. I'd +K you for that win but I can't.
almost 14 years
+K for good game as pro-town amn!
almost 14 years
+k for awsomeness
deletedalmost 14 years
+K for awesome win :D plz return , love and peace from Hawksteel
almost 14 years
Lol, sorry. I obviously wasn't paying attention.
deletedalmost 14 years
I gave you +K to make up for that neg against you.
almost 14 years
+k for being on friends list
almost 14 years
Hare Krishna.
almost 14 years
I told you i did it cause you wouldnt give up, i wouldnt change my vote..i didnt want to waste time..YOU WOULD HAVE LOST ANYWAY..if -K me makes you feel better, whatever :)
almost 14 years
It being the first time you've kicked doesn't make it any better.
deletedalmost 14 years
good hammer :))) +karm