part of  family

Probably not here anymore.

Alt is EikichiOnizuka. Previous accounts are HEAVYBREATHING and PandaClaus.

My biggest success on this site is probably the fact I got banned only once, despite all the things I've done.

If you're nice to everyone and are aware of the fact that this is just a game, I probably like you.



about 7 years
is it true that you won a gold epic mafia trophy entirely by flipping coins?
As town, yes. As mafia I just claimed d1 so people have easier time throwing for me


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
7 / 10Scumhunter
6 / 20He's Batman
6 / 30Oxyclean
5 / 15New Sheriff in Town

Created Setups

over 6 years
i don't have a clue what that means i'm not weeb enough for you :(

still hope things r going well my friend
deletedover 6 years
you're lucky i still owe you for that time in 2015 that i said i was gonna anally ravage you otherwise there'd be a $10 fee for the advertising. miss seeing you around, sorry i couldn't catch one with you earlier but i'll try my best to hop into a game of yours soon.
over 6 years
isn't it cool that this will push my last comment off ur wall?
it said i love u thats still true!
deletedabout 7 years
that’s a big mood
about 7 years
"My biggest success on this site is probably the fact I got banned only once, despite all the things I've done."

i called you out 9 months ago lmao
about 7 years
Congrats golden cat with a hat!
about 7 years
congrats on the gold my man! you finally did it
about 7 years
holy fk dude grats on gold.
deletedabout 7 years
(you're a cool cat, congratulations)
deletedabout 7 years
was gonna say something nice but i see my girlfriend sakin left you a comment so i'm formally announcing our beef.
deletedabout 7 years
Congrats on gold!!!!
deletedabout 7 years
congrats dude
about 7 years
congratulations my dude
deletedabout 7 years
best player gets gold .
about 7 years
Congratz on gold (first)
about 7 years
+k for the art
about 7 years
+K for displaying my art on your profile. Hope you liked it
over 7 years
i love you
over 7 years
Famalam hope you're doing great!