


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20Do No Harm
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 10Governator!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
almost 13 years
can u vote for a kudo here on me please? I tried hard and didnt get it. thank you. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1098783/review
deletedalmost 13 years
You're a douche
almost 13 years
+k returned, thanks
almost 13 years
Maybe we should get together and hook sometime. +k
deletedalmost 13 years
Just got pimped out.
deletedalmost 13 years
Sorry for abusing you bro, but you need to learn how to scumhunt and differentiate between scumtells and towntells. Reverse all that ingrained shit that you've been taught by protocol by other dumb players, and you have the potential to be a promising player.
over 14 years
i already have you +k'd, but sorry they made you veg
deletedover 14 years
Nice avy, bro
deletedover 14 years
You might've wanted to claim doc before getting lynched??
over 14 years
Ok. I will you troll.
over 14 years
i was mistaken so i give you +k
over 14 years
oh shit, you're a girl! lol, good game, miss yak. ;P +k
over 14 years
No, I'm Timbooo, as it says on the page.
over 14 years
Lemme guess, maxwell?