

The Arbiter Real name: Thel Vadam

Sent by the Prophets to silence the heretics during the events of The War of Installation 05, he was expected to die, but completed the mission with flourishing success. He also retrieved the sacred icon, but when attcked by Tartarus, he started the Great Schism, a war between his people and the Brutes.

...I have walked among men and angels for three thousand years. Time has no end... no beginning... no purpose.

I wander the earth, seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes against God and man.

I live to see death and destruction, evil... over the light, but the light cannot be extinguished.

I live in a prison of my own demise.

I am time

Side by side, we march as one,

Humans and Elites will die,

The Earth shall fall if we strike together,

So forth shall all of life.