
Middle Earth
part of  family

I kill you.


3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter

Created Setups

over 13 years
idgas, I'll continue posting offensively if I want to. Am I not allowed to speak my mind? if not, I don't think I want to be part of such a community, so a ban wouldn't affect me in the slightest.
over 13 years
Burden of proof doesn't fall on me. You used bad logic, assumptions, and meta of all things to try and prove Riddler was maf. Singling me out when the consensus between pretty much everyone agreed you played badly isn't going to help.

Also, tone down the rage a tad. It might help convince people if you stopped screaming at them.
over 13 years
Can u pm me active mods emails please ? So ill try to apply, thanks :)
deletedover 13 years
maybe we should compare track records.
deletedover 13 years
treating probability as gospel is the reason you are bad at this game.
almost 14 years
I don't think I ever gave you +K
almost 14 years
im hobobob :O
almost 14 years
about 14 years
Epic final three :D +K'ed
about 14 years
Ahaha, thanks! It's a shame you dropped out, you were doing really well.
deletedabout 14 years
K+ plz return
about 14 years
Hey, glad to hear you're still alive. Appendicitis is deadly at our age. Praying for a swift recovery!!
deletedabout 14 years
Aww Kaila I hope you are doing better :-/
about 14 years
Where are you? Not gonna play your hearts?
about 14 years
Bahahaha, thanks for voting that I'd fail in graveyard. xD
about 14 years
+K for you! =D
about 14 years
+k returned because i haven't plussed you!
about 14 years
+k because I was lonely in the retirement home, and now I have you. In a not-creepy way.
deletedabout 14 years
+k because you're awesome
about 14 years
2k for u plz return