

Just going to school, ya know, doin my thing.

I got a few negs recently. Don't be a pussy. Tell me why you are negging me. I'm not going to neg you back unless I have a reason to. Please don't be ridiculous.

Also, please leave me a note if you +K me. Just because you give me karma does not mean that you should expect to get it back. I only give karma where it is deserved and i don't ask for it.

Don't think Thomas is badass? Suck on this.

And this.

Best game ever? I think so.

over 13 years
+K'd for being very good at being mafia
over 13 years
I know bro. But I think Im going to plonk my alt in there for remembrance when I do ;__;
good times, that fam. VEG THAT JAILER FOREVER
over 13 years
night tom
deletedover 13 years
negged you for voting me. i was uncc'ed orc, i was clear, and you still voted me. how dumb are you.
over 13 years
Hai tom its dle
over 13 years
+k for not backstabbing in killer setup
deletedover 13 years
+k because Thomas and Friends was like my favorite show as a little kid
over 13 years
epic cop is epic
almost 14 years
Enjoy some +k.
deletedalmost 14 years
invite me?
deletedalmost 14 years
i can leave :D
deletedalmost 14 years
can i join ur family?
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
just to let you know. assassin 3 has started. please vote as soon as possible!
almost 14 years
+k'ing for being able to clear me when I was so close to being lynched and singlehandedly saving the game.
almost 14 years
+k'ed nice catch
almost 14 years
+K to give you an even 100! It's a good luck number!
almost 14 years
I can only give 4. :(

You did well though. All the siding with maf really threw me off.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! choo choo :D
almost 14 years
Clearly I'm not sono.