
epic mafia
part of  family

Hi everyone.

Truly epic games:

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/692285 I was stalker, had 2 masons and vig against me and i won by claiming vig.

deletedover 14 years
@Exploit: Dude, lay off him. He's your only friend on EM and you're acting like a dick to him. He played a much better game than you did, which while not that hard is commendable.
over 14 years
I told you to watch teh gs. until i tell you something else then i want you to watch who i asked you to watch indefinetly.
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
gg dude +2k
over 14 years
+k please return :3
deletedover 14 years
+k returned, ty!
over 14 years
+karma <3
over 14 years
rokk, point is, BG (Me) had to be alive since maff died that night before protecting a player. yet he didnt want to believe my claim even when I had told him the day before my role, then the maff died.
over 14 years
(if we ignore the fact that bg obviously was still alive as he killed a maf)*** not herped
over 14 years
Rrrrr, i reviewed the game. Sling had no way of knowing you were bg. N1, he watched you. The only person who visited you was tracker, who COULD have been bg (if we ignore the fact that he herped).

N2, he watched me. You weren't on me. We tried to kill the watcher.

If we ignore the fact that a maf died, Sling had NO possible way of confirming you.

In my opinion, we were playing with a bunch of noobs (which happens). Sling got thrown through a loop because he thought me seeing him NV = me being inno. You herped and made yourself look scummy by forgetting your role and by outing the watcher.

Why they didn't lynch me that last day i have no clue. Watcher confirmed that cyanide was a visiting role. And while i have seemed maf be janned, it was only when there was a driver in the game. I think you pushing hector as maf had a lot to do with it.

over 14 years
sowwy <3
over 14 years
Who is dis she? :P
over 14 years
Who's dis? D:
over 14 years
zzz 2 masons 1 vig vs you the stalker. And you managed to win. take my haf off to you lol
over 14 years
dude it was a joke.
deletedover 14 years
I'll try a game of that with you this afternoon, lemmeno when you're on.
over 14 years
www.nutsybolts.com/invite.php/9639/Schnapps Play only if you can stay in for 30 turns! It's fun stuff!
over 14 years
Thanks :D
over 14 years
>mfw I can't +k you
over 14 years
Pro stalker did well +k when you can have it