


deletedalmost 14 years
hugz u2
deletedalmost 14 years
uppy. don't get so tense about lylo and you're the hammer. this is supposed to be fun. do the vote and move on! *hugs*
almost 14 years
Family +K
deletedalmost 14 years
Oops my bad.. +k for real.
deletedalmost 14 years
I already had you +K'd. lol.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k thanks :( I hate when people do that!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! Please return!
almost 14 years
+k <3
almost 14 years
:) Wee!
deletedalmost 14 years
[email protected] Yes I know it's a weird email, but I have had it for a long time. xD
almost 14 years
=( i cant, where it says family on ur acc, there isn't a button under it that tells me to invite u.
almost 14 years
at least u won so i'm glad =D
almost 14 years
it's kl, but ur so nice so +k
deletedalmost 14 years
I read that right when I was eating a sandwich. :(
almost 14 years
+k for that awesome win!
almost 14 years
omfg i love u +k
deletedalmost 14 years
Oral sexy, seriously? yuk. Missionary position or gtfo.
deletedalmost 14 years
Did I mention the part where we have wild exhausting sex all night? I think I left that part out... :P
deletedalmost 14 years
Awwwww. That's so sweet. We should totally, like, get married and, like, have wild buttsex and, like, get an STD. It will be, like, so much fun! BFF's!
deletedalmost 14 years
I love you soooo much it hurts. :(