
part of  family

LOL uMad?

over 13 years
Kk, are you gonna replace the plus again? Thanks!
over 13 years
very much so convinced
over 13 years
Plussed now, Up to 56, are you convinced? Lol
over 13 years
I didn't... I didnt touch it...
deletedover 13 years
I didn't say your role was bad. I was merely suggesting improvements or additions. You have made it quite clear you are just incapable of receiving advice. Let me ask you this, in your opinion, if the reporter can use its power on n1, would it not be overpowered for town?

A simple yes or no question.
over 13 years
i +Ked you cus i liked your role and i also +Ked that too but i saw a suggestion on it earlier about it not being able to be used in the first maf meeting and i thought that was a good idea. buuuuuuuut like i said i do like that role alot.
deletedover 13 years
I +k'd your role and you cause I think you (and hello kitty) is cool =3
over 13 years
Yeah, that actually sounds pretty entertaining.
deletedover 13 years
Got her back up to zero.
deletedover 13 years
thank you :)
deletedover 13 years
but i didn't troll, gay trolled.
over 13 years
-k. asshole left a game after fool and mafia joined just to screw them out of points.
deletedover 13 years
I've just been forgetting to +karma you, so i'll do it now ^.^
over 13 years
+K plz return to http://www.epicmafia.com/user/38923
thank you
deletedover 13 years
+ K !!
over 13 years
what the fuck, honestly
over 13 years
Well, how nice of you! +k
over 13 years
+K back :)
over 13 years
O_o I don't enough points to give karma. And I would never neg a fellow new yorker =O
over 13 years
Naww, It's not that cute! :3