
I'm a newb again!
in love with 
part of  family

► A New(b) Beginning

After a few years of inactivity, I have returned! Please bear with me while I regain my bearings...if I ever had them to begin with. The rest of this profile will remain unchanged from three years ago.

► Memo to the True Scum

If you've come here to neg rep me and leave without justifying it: just remember it's called "karma" for a reason, and what goes around comes around. ;)

► Guiselines

I don't capitalize at the beginning of the sentence in chat, I do capitalize the word "I" and "FoS", lately I'm prone to ranting in all caps for fun, and I never, ever, "lol" (or use netspeak, for the most part).

Oh, and if I'm really focused on the game and don't eventually start talking about something totally irrelevant, chances are I'm not myself.

► Quotes

"do you pick or choose in blue meetings?" -RedThespian

► Games Love this setup. As hunter, I claimed fool, got the maf to lynch me, then shot him. And again! >:D Obvious troll Fingergun didn't cc cop despite two other cop claims, and so we killed our cop. Despite this, the town was victorious! :D I was bomb. There were 2 cc's and one retracted, I claimed watcher to the mafia-bomb, hoping to get killed. I didn't, but this left us with 2 watcher cc's the next day. One of whom was me. And it just got better. Communication breakdown at its finest. Both yaks yakked the same person.

► Actual Bio

Computer geek and gamer, specifically a Nintendo fanboy. My favorite series are Mario and Pokémon. I've played and beaten nearly every Mario game in existence; got back into Pokémon recently and now I'm a total "Pokéfag."

Currently a college freshman majoring in computer science on almost a full ride at a state university. That's truly all you need to know about me for now.

► Favorites

Color: Green Drink: Pineapple juice Meal: Chicken Parmesan Candy: Reese's Fast Break Candy flavor: Grape Fruit: Watermelon Vegetable: Carrot Cake: Chocolate MSG source: Beef jerky Console games: Mario, Pokémon, Kirby, WarioWare, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Bros., Professor Layton Computer games: Portal/Orange Box, Braid, Super Meat Boy, Chip's Challenge, Lode Runner: The Legend Returns, The Incredible Machine, Grand Theft Auto, misc. Flash games Online Games: RuneScape, iSketch, Epicmafia (no, really?) Anime: Death Note, Bleach, Code Geass, Monster, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya TV shows: The Office, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory Books: I don't read enough anymore. :X

► Contact Info

Gmail: Hotmail:

Always happy to chat. :)

► RS

Ooh, other RuneScape players? Well, I don't really play much currently, but my RS username is Goldpump56. :)

almost 14 years
+k for alan!
about 14 years
Hey bro, how have things been going?
deletedabout 14 years
+K for leading the town, targeting the hooker 50/50, and preventing a mafia-fool joint win!
about 14 years
+k for getting yakked by me and unfortunately being only mafia from there lol
about 14 years
+k for being cool
deletedabout 14 years
+k for being a great player. Now share the generosity... gimme. XD
about 14 years
+K for awesomeness.
about 14 years
+k return :D maybe?
about 14 years
Thank you for that. Might I add that your taste in videogames isn't half bad as well.
about 14 years
Woot for Runescape! RS account : Purelymad99
deletedabout 14 years
upped because I forgot
about 14 years
+k for runescape fans! and freinds <3
about 14 years
I play Runescape too! my name is: Zan Scoureme
about 14 years
(keeps reading your hastily written bio) WRITE MOAR! D: <3
about 14 years