

Hello, Scum, look at your Karma, now to my Karma, now back at your Karma, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn’t as high as mine, but if you stopped being usless troll and finally scum hunted, it could look like mine.

Look down, back up, where are you? You're in a game full of trolls. Look what’s on your screen, back at me. I have it, it’s an report with two guilties on those people you hate. Look again,i have a counter-claim. Anything is possible when you play epic mafia. I’m the ventriloquist.

Pkbaldy vs SGRaaize. D1: D1:


1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
deletedover 13 years
+k, so much mindgames xD (Jealous = me)
over 13 years
Nah, I believe you.
over 13 years
Actually, I find it interesting how similar they are, seeing as you apparently got there on your own.
The jan definitely makes things interesting. After playing it, I found it as enjoyable (if not more) than cajun's (shhhh!)
deletedover 13 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
over 13 years
lol +k for your bio
over 13 years
So close to getting a trophy :( I'm not going to play any worse just because you're in this, I'm gonna play as I usually do, full scumhunting senses. Let the best man win :P
over 13 years
Its on :P
over 13 years
Not high enough, I'm afraid :(
over 13 years
Thanks! :) +Ked.
deletedover 13 years
whoring myself for karma, +k
over 13 years
+k for good maf, please return!
deletedover 13 years
have a happy 6969696969669 birthday
over 13 years
+K, good player.
over 13 years
Your bio is brilliant.
over 13 years
You're running? Good luck
over 13 years
I didn't neg you... I don't neg people unless they fail, which you did not.

You ever hear what they say about assumptions?
deletedover 13 years
Happy Holidays! +k
over 13 years
I gots me 2000pts.
over 13 years
Screw you. Too many joined to quickly.