
part of  family

"Butters: The definition of being a super cool hard A behind a keyboard online" -- JeffReid

For guise test, ask me where I live, what my favorite sports team of that area is, and what theme park is nearby. All three of these are related to one city. Google the city to see if their answer is right with all three related

Hint to guiser: the theme park's name is related to royalty.

Times n1'd since 8/26/15: 64 (Ended 10/15/15)


almost 9 years
Do u live in South Park? :)
How did you know??
about 9 years
"You're grounded Butters!"
Aw fiddle sticks!
anonymousover 9 years
sorry for the cancer jokes. my grandma has lung cancer after obdaminal and intestine cancer. I hope you're alright. I have a healthy father but i don't appreciate his apperance not that much. I hope he gets better.
Thanks bud, it's all good! It was a way to grow as a person dealing with it.


20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
16 / 25Explosion!

Created Setups

about 14 years
+K'd for being Negbombed by Golt. He really needs to grow up.
about 14 years
+k'd, useless and golt are morons
deletedabout 14 years
-karma for being a moron
about 14 years
negged for not saving in the yak setup? +k from this account and my alt too because saving n1 is just ridiculous in that setup always
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
+K cuz you need a hug
about 14 years
+k for u as well
about 14 years
i hate margarine. a.k.a the fake you
about 14 years
i like you with toast.
about 14 years
Add me o;?
about 14 years
Uhhh, Enjoy your +6k :D
about 14 years
+k 4 yoshi
about 14 years
plussed, plz return :3
about 14 years
+k for being funny
about 14 years
+ btw
about 14 years
and done. yw.
about 14 years
I am plussing you incase of negbomb. it wasnt your fault that evryone kicked. I will do it on my alt aswell.
about 14 years
nice veg
about 14 years
+k, because imo negging someone for bad scumhunting, or for making an honest mistake is just a bunch of bullshit. (Assuming that the person who commented on such a thing did so.)
about 14 years
You are a horrible, horrible scumhunter. Nothing you said last game was close to a coherent reason to lynch someone. I assumed you were mafia just looking for an exuse to BW your partner but, no, you're just that bad.