
over 13 years
over 13 years
hi? hello!
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
hi? hello!
over 13 years
zzzzzzzzz jakio threw the game by voting somebody other than me/pros. Should I have just let maf win and report it then?
over 13 years
thanks for being my medium into Lucid's world ^^
over 13 years
Added you to MSN!
deletedover 13 years
i didnt want to ask on the mod page cuz this is kind of trite, but can mods restore suicide hearts/points? in http://www.epicmafia.com/game/78028, i had to get up for like two minutes, but everyone immediately MLed and kicked me even though i had posted that day. not gonna complain if you can't help since this is kinda my fault still but i wanted to run possibly
over 13 years
OMG! You are so nice!! :) LOL!
deletedover 13 years
It's just time that I do leave. I've been on here FOREVER.
over 13 years
<bitch bitch bitch> I can't even play ranked games :(
over 13 years
lol nub. I couldn't play on the other lobbies because I didn't have enough training lobby games played. ROFL.
deletedover 13 years
Ah, got your invite, but can't add you to my contacts unless you send me a message :/ some weird msn glitch
deletedover 13 years
duuuuuude! add me on msn :) AntiJDS@hotmail

Oh, TEMS posted in the thread again by the by.
over 13 years
I am ALWAYS here! :D
deletedover 13 years
are we allowed to run with a main acc and an alt at the same round? i.e main gets gold and alt gets silver.
over 13 years
More like, nou
deletedover 13 years
thread had served purpose, so deleted
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
ur email?