
Fry pan
part of  family

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Trophy running (1/14) Result: Came in 7ths with last day of 0/5 :||. Rested at 1783 points.

deletedover 13 years
+k'd, return?
over 13 years
Fuck that i went 0/3 already today
deletedover 13 years
I wish I was a storage for all the EM games, but no sorry, I don't have it unfortunately.
deletedover 13 years
yes I do remember that game, why?
over 13 years
2/5 isnt ruined ur still ahead...
deletedover 13 years
+k plz return
over 13 years
it seems you have a reasonable lead in the scores... :-D go for that gold!!!
over 13 years
Good luck on your run, I will enjoy getting silver :P
over 13 years
goodluck trophy running, i'm not gonna bother this round...
over 13 years
+K for quick thinking. You refused every joint and won this for the mafia! Great play!
over 13 years
+k for warlock win. you have my #1 place on leaderboard now. gg. return plz :)
over 13 years
+k wuddup bro
deletedalmost 14 years
sup biatch
almost 14 years
I told you what to do and you pussed out and voted and kicked. Shitty maf partner. Negged.
almost 14 years
+'d for plussing rev. :]
almost 14 years
wow you have enemies, well +K xD
deletedalmost 14 years
Yeah, because it was made by an idiot. What can I say, I don't leave bull crap up on my account.
deletedalmost 14 years
Oh really. I'm a noob? I'm not the one who didn't lynch confirmed mafia. The lyncher target can never be mafia initially, and Bert was definitely a spy. So... I'm dumb how? You are amazingly noob. You lost auto win for some reason.
deletedalmost 14 years
You're pretty fucking dumb.
almost 14 years
Negging you for being a worthless pile of shit, claiming to unclears, making a big deal over it even though you were blue, and then admittedly being the one to do the final kick, causing people to unintentionally veg and then making the game drop rank.

Go get hit by a fucking bus.

I'm colonelsanders alt.